Safeguarding Children Policy

Active Photographic Ltd
Safeguarding Children Policy



Key Details

Policy Prepared by: Olivia Robinson

Approved by board/ manager on: 04/08/2024

Policy became operational on: 05/08/2024

Next review date: 01/08/2025


The board of Active Photographic Ltd acknowledges and accepts, as one of its key responsibilities, the well-being and safety of those children and young persons who form part of its photographic activities. It does so in belief that placing their welfare at the centre of its concerns provides a solid foundation for good Safeguarding Children practice.


In accordance with the requirements of the DfE Disqualification under the Childcare Act 2006, to make safer recruitment decisions by identifying candidates who may be unsuitable for certain work, especially that involves children or vulnerable adults, Active Photographic Ltd ensures that all staff directly involved in working with children and young persons are only employed after enhanced clearance from the Disclosure & Barring Service and other appropriate recruitment/vetting procedure are undertaken.


Safeguarding Training and awareness is provided at the time of initial training and updated at regular times during the photographers employment with us. Active Photographic Ltd an its employees are committed to working in concert with its customers and their safeguarding policy guidelines.


Our ability to meet the goals set out in this policy statement will be reviewed 24-monthly and/or updated as necessary as a result of any complaints, legislative/regulatory requirement or significant changes to company policy or working practices.




Olivia Robinson

Active Photographic Ltd.

August 2024